The Carroll Food Intolerance Test - Start Healing

I advocate for The Carroll Food Intolerance Method* (official name). The best way to identify food intolerances. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) with advance training in food intolerances, practice the Carroll Method. The method includes the Carroll food intolerance blood test to identify food intolerances. The Carroll food intolerance results are amazingly accurate.


Unknowingly, many have a food intolerance and a food combination intolerance. Even infants can get the Carroll food intolerance test, an awesome gift. The same food intolerances is often found in families, as genetics play a role. For others, an event affects genes, resulting in food intolerances. Results are usually lifelong. Identifying and eliminating intolerant foods is the best start for healing.

Food Intolerances Drive Inflammation

Food intolerances are foods the body cannot fully digest. Identifying these foods is very important because they create toxic metabolites. These toxins inflame the digestion tract. This is the foundation for chronic underlying inflammation in the body. Overtime, this leads to leaky gut. Leaky gut leads to poor absorption, compromised elimination, and systemic inflammation.

Carroll Food Intolerance Test - List of Foods Tested

Following is a list of commonly tested foods. Some of these are “mixes”. The mix is tested. If there is a reaction, then the individual elements in the mix are tested. Other foods are tested if requested.


Grain mix



Dairy mix


Cheese – fresh and hard are both tested


Potato mix

Egg mix

Fruit mix

Sugar mix

Meat mix – if intolerant to meat, most likely intolerant to mine salts

Salt mix


Crucifer mix

Carrot mix

Nightshade mix

Bean mix

Nut mix – peanuts or hazelnuts can be an issue, other nut intolerances are rare

Fish mix – fresh and saltwater fish, plants, shellfish, and crustaceans


Fruit + Sugar

Fruit + Grain

Egg + Grain

Dairy + Grain

Potato + Grain

Sugar + Grain



If one is intolerance to any of these foods or food combos, Carroll Method NDs advise to not eat these foods/combo in any quantity. These are referred to as primary food intolerances. Foods that cause intolerances are known by many names. Carroll Method NDs are experts in this area. Their thorough research identifies the foods and ingredients that contain a primary food. This helps ensure removal of every intolerant ingredient.


Check out the list of foods and ingredients on my food intolerance pages. You may be surprised at the number of items and variety of names that include a specific food. For example, I’m dairy intolerant. So I should avoid processed hamburger. Most likely, a lactic acid wash is used to kill germs. Lactic acid is a dairy product.


Review extensive list of foods, ingredients, the variety of names used most won’t recognize. Excellent resource from Windrose Clinic.


Food Combination Intolerances

The Carroll Method also identifies food combinations that create intolerances. For example, the body can digest each food, independent of the other. However, when two foods are eaten together, the body cannot fully digest them. The test determines the length of time between foods for proper digestion. Some need four, six, or eight hours of time between foods for good digestion. For example, I need fours hours between eating fruit and sugar.


When the intolerant food combinations includes grain, specific grains, i.e., gluten, will be checked. Therefore, the combination may be just gluten and the second item. In fact, most people’s food combination intolerance is either fruit and sugar, or grain and potatoes. This is true for me, my son, and many friends.

Dr. Otis Carroll

The most innovative modern naturopath in history is Dr. Otis G. Carroll. More than 100 years ago. He is the founder of very unique naturopathic medical diagnostic modality, The Carroll Food Intolerant Method. Dr. Carroll’s hypothesis (from over 60 years of clinical observation) is “Even though a person’s constitution is strong, if they eat their food intolerance, a strain is placed on the whole organism. Sooner or later, systemic damage will occur.”

Dr. Otis Carroll Says…Prevention is Always Better than a Cure

Health must at all times come from and be maintained by digested foods. When a person eats foods to which they are intolerant, these foods do not properly digest. If these foods are high in carbohydrates, fermentation occurs. If they are high in proteins, purification occurs. Both lead to a slow poisoning of the intestinal tract and, eventually, of all the body systems. Of course, each individual will respond differently to eating their food intolerance, depending on their constitutional strength. A person with a weak constitution is more susceptible to developing early symptoms of toxemia. Symptoms include intestinal discomfort, skin eruptions, asthma, fatigue, or mental confusion. Another person, with a strong constitution, may eat their food intolerance several times a day without the slightest noticeable discomfort.

The Carroll Institute of Natural Healing

The Carroll Institute of Natural Healing** honors Dr. Carroll by training NDs in his method. The institute’s advance courses focus on identifying food intolerances and constitutional hydrotherapy. The institute only accepts licensed naturopathic doctors from accredited naturopathic schools. Just like medical schools, naturopathic schools are accredited by the U.S. Board of Education.


To gain a better understanding of naturopathy, naturopathy philosophy, and how the Carroll Method is vital to healing, listen to Dr. Jared Zeff’s N.D. L.A.C. conference speech on the home page. I love every minute of his ninety minute talk.

Carroll Method NDs Educate about Food Intolerances

Dr. Theriault, ND shares a short history lesson of naturopathy and Dr. Carroll. Most importantly, see his comparison of the Carroll Method to other dietary evaluations. I like his list of pros and cons. Canada’s government does not restrict the Carroll method. He is free to share this information and use the name properly.

Dr. Adam Tice, ND shares valuable lessons that are the foundation of health. Hear his new series Human Handbook Podcast. I love episode five, Food IS Medicine. Dr. Tice shares “digestion is the root of everything”. Dr. Tice’s first step is identifying intolerances with a “food intolerance sample”. Some excellent points are – no one diet works for everyone. Foods that are healthy for some does not work for others. For example, some are fruit intolerance. (Yes, shocking, a few friends are fruit intolerant.) He advises to eat fresh, organic, and local. Minerals are lacking in today’s foods. Strategic supplements may be needed to address specific symptoms. 

Dr. Tice and his wife Dr. Jennifer Tice, ND are awesome family NDs, both on InstagramFollow along on LinkedIn and Twitter @DrTiceND.

Dr. Cronin says…
Diet is Never 100% of the problem - But 100% of the time it is part of the problem.

Receiving advance training in The Carroll Food Intolerance Method from Vitalistic Naturopathic Elders at the Carroll Institute is the single most eye-opening and clinically significant thing that I have done for my patients. Making this a one time investment yields exponential benefits.

This method opens patients’ eyes to the functioning of their body. The method provides explanations about why a popular dietary approach, like Keto or Paleo, either does not work, or makes them worse. The best example I have is, a patient whose sister went Paleo and cured her thyroid issues. However, my patient went Paleo and got worse. Through the Carroll Method we found out that her primary food intolerance is eggs. She normally ate 2-4 eggs per week. But per Paleo, she increased them to 2-4 eggs per day. These "dietary" approaches are general, not individualized. 


The Carroll Method brings both the practitioner and patient back to the very foundations of health, starting with lifestyle. This includes diet. You can NOT skip over these lifestyle changes and "fix things with supplements, even natural ones." That is just "green allopathy" and NOT true Vitalistic Naturopathic Medicine.

Find A Carroll Food Intolerance Test

Only a small subset of NDs practice the Carroll Method. Therefore, use this resource to find a Carroll Method ND. See list by state.

Cost of a Naturopatic Doctor Visit

My initial two-hour, in-person, visit cost approximately $500 and included the Carroll Method evaluation. Most insurance (in USA) does not cover the cost of naturopaths. Remote evaluations can be more affordable.

For our family and friends, the payback is huge in terms of real dollars and, most importantly, real health and vitality.

Home Test Kit for Carroll Food Intolerances

Seeing your ND in person is best. I always recommend seeing a local ND. They have many healing tools. If you cannot make an office visit, remote evaluations are available. This includes a 30 minute call with the ND. Then the home test kit is sent. It is easy, submit 10 blots of blood on a special disk of paper. Price is under $200, a great value. 


Contact me for more information.

Food Allergies, Sensitivities, and Intolerances are not the Same

There are many ways to determine food allergies and they can be very helpful. Allergy and sensitivity tests provoke the immune system and immunoglobulin IgE, IgG, and IgA antibody responses. Immunoglobulins are antibodies, proteins made by the immune system to fight bacteria, viruses, and toxins. Any positive results confirm leaky gut, caused by inflammation.


Eliminating foods based on allergy and sensitivity testing may not include the food or food combination that is the root cause of inflammation. Allergy testing is advised every 6-12 months, because when the leaky gut isn’t fixed, new foods will also leak out creating new sensitivities. Frustration results from long lists of ever-changing food allergies.

Food Allergy, Sensitivity, and Intolerance Definitions

It is very important to understand that food intolerances are not the same as allergies and sensitivities. Here are the definitions for better understanding:


Food Allergy DefinitionFood allergy is a Type I Hypersensitivity is an IgE reaction may be cause for an epi-pen. IgE reactions are usually an immediate response to a foreign substance that has entered the body. Allergy tests are the only way to identify life threatening anaphylactic allergies.


Food Sensitivity DefinitionFood sensitivity is a Type 2 and 3 Hypersensitivity reactions, they are delayed IgG and IgA responses by the immune system. IgA, one of the most common antibodies, plays a role in the immune function of mucous membranes. IgG reactions may be subtle and last longer than a traditional IgE allergy.


Food Intolerance DefinitionFood intolerance is a non-immunologic reaction to food. A fundamental incompatibility of food with the body and it is not digested properly. This mal-digestion creates toxic metabolites that drive inflammation disrupting functions of the organs and systems. Genetics play a role and simply supplementing with digestive enzymes is not a solution.

Allergy and Intolerance Tests Results Will Not Match

Do not expect allergy food tests, and the Carroll Food Intolerance Method to deliver the same results. My allergy tests did correctly identify my Type I allergy to crustaceans. I am well aware of this allergy. Allergy tests did not reveal any allergies to dairy or gluten, despite many symptoms I experienced daily for decades.


Many are frustrated by ever-changing allergy test results and long lists of food sensitivities. Interestingly, the Carroll Method did not identify my crustacean allergy. However, eliminating my intolerant foods resulted in the health solution I desperately needed.

My Carroll Method Results

One visit with a naturopathic doctor identified my food intolerances. That visit was in 2011 with Dr. Craig T. Fasullo, ND.  He practices the Carroll Method. The initial naturopathic doctor visit was two hours long, very thorough. All my symptoms were discussed. Next, Dr. Fasullo used a special paper disk to collect small blots of blood from my ear lobe as required by the Carroll Method. A week later, results confirmed I have two primary food intolerances and one food combination intolerance:


Next, my son was tested. His primary food intolerance is dairy. His combination food intolerance is fruit and sugar consumed together within fours.

Dramatic Health Improvements

Soon after eliminating all my intolerant foods, many symptoms improved. Adopting my naturopathic doctor’s general advice (see Healing Lifestyles blog) was also important. First, the familiar bloating and excessive gas disappeared. Next, my facial skin cleared. Then, a healthy glow gradually replaced the puffy, ruddy look I thought was normal. Finally, I did not need a rosacea prescription.


All my life, I had acute rhinitis- runny nose, a Type 2 & 3 allergy reaction. But, allergy tests never revealed the root cause. However, after eliminating intolerant foods, all the allergies and congestion disappeared. I did not need two allergy meds daily. In hindsight, three decades of meds barely suppressed my symptoms. Now, I do not even have seasonal allergies. I wake up breathing clearly.


Over the first year, I lost ten pounds easily, no dieting. A decade later, my weight is normal, as I lost another twenty pounds. My blood work is normal. My colon is healthy. I get sick less often. Power yoga and strength training play an important role.


During my last visit, I said to Dr. Fasullo,“You worked your way out of a job by healing us.” I can still see him smiling, saying to share our experiences and advocate for NDs. I was wrong about not needing an ND, I see mine at least annually. My family and I are metabolically healthy now. We do not use any prescriptions or over-the-counter pills.

FDA Restricts NDs from Advertising the Carroll Food Intolerance Method

Researching this method was not easily. Not much information was available. Even the Carroll Institute’s website did not provide information about the method. I contacted the Carroll Institute and asked why the lack of information, promotion, and social media. I learned the naturopathic doctors are not allowed to advertise the Carroll Method in the USA. Here is the response:

I am so glad you have found a benefit from The Carroll Food Intolerance Method®*. This issue in really pushing it forward in the media is that we have been strictly warned by the FDA that we cannot advertise this; we cannot call it a “test” (as it is not a CLIA certified Lab procedure). Naturopaths cannot claim to diagnose a condition with this procedure as it is not an FDA approved medical test.


We agree that everyone needs this method. It is the cornerstone of Vitalist Naturopathic Medicine. Please post and talk about the outcomes.

Dr. Letitia Dick-Kronenberg, ND, VNMI
Director, The Carroll Institute
Medical Director, Windrose Clinic

Author, The Ultimate Text in Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Dr. Letitia Dick is my hero for standing up for the Carroll Method. This is a vital naturopathic method requiring specialized training. The FDA will not approve the procedure. Therefore, the FDA will not allow naturopaths to advertise this method.

FDA Confuses Public about Food Allergy Testing

The FDA is making the Carroll food intolerance test very confusing to the public. Many naturopaths in the USA who use this procedure do not use the Carroll Method name because they do not want to cross the FDA. Carroll Method NDs are not allowed to call the method a test, therefore, they call it the method.


These Carroll Method NDs do not advertise, they risk losing their license. Therefore, most NDs do not refer to the Carroll Method by name, in the office, in reports, or their social media.


When patients ask if the Carroll Method is practiced at naturopathic offices, many NDs will not confirm or deny they use this method. There are states where NDs are not allowed to perform blood work. Most receptionists haven’t heard of the method, even when the Carroll Method is routinely practiced at their office.


It is easy to be confused, there are so many food allergy, sensitivity, and intolerance tests available. I think it is important for the name to be used properly. The public needs to clearly understand what they are getting.


The FDA approves allergy testing by qualified clinicians. However, allergy tests are not delivering the results needed for healing. For those suffering from food intolerances, relying on allergy tests results increase and prolong illnesses.

Carroll Method Approved in Canada

In contrast, Canada recognizes the Carroll Method. This method is billable to benefits. Licensed naturopathic doctors are publicly identified through permits. In June of 2022, Canada granted $240/yr benefit to veterans for naturopathic services. It can cover the basic cost of this test.

Please Share this Important Health Message

I’m so impressed with my results that I’m inspired to share and educate about the method. Especially, since the FDA is ‘gagging’ the best doctors for food intolerances. Everyone should know the Carroll Method is available to identify food intolerances. The name of the method and the list of intolerant foods should be clear and available to the public. This is my intention.


I welcome everyone to experience this method and share. I’d love to hear your success stories.


Up your G.I. – Gut Intuition and learn some basics about food intolerances. See three generations of family stories in the Symptoms of Food Intolerances.






*The Carroll Food Intolerance Method is a registered trademark of the The Carroll Institute of Natural Healing 
**The Carroll Institute of Natural Healing is a non-profit organization providing post doctoral learning opportunities for Doctors of Naturopathy. NDs greatly enhance their vitalistic practices by learning these advanced therapeutics for clinical care.