Dr. Mark Hyman - Functional Medicine

Dr. Mark Hyman, MD is a family physician and passionate about functional medicine. He is prolific in sharing information about healing with food. Dr. Hyman’s healing lifestyle leads with plant-based foods, he supplements with seafoods and grass-fed meats. Most importantly, he eliminates dairy, gluten, and sugar. Just making these changes can be gut healing.


Changing the food system on a global scale is an important goal. Dr. Hyman works to affect policy changes that will improve public health. A trusted expert, he testified before the Senate, advised the Surgeon General, and worked with White House forums. Dr. Hyman serves on the board of The Institute for Functional Medicine. Visit their home page to find a practitioner.


Connect with Dr. Hyman and see the vast wealth of information. I’m educated by interviews with his favorite experts, who have expertise in healing chronic disease with whole plant-based foods. See more about him, his new book The Pegan Diet, videos, and articles on his web, social media, YouTube channel, podcast The Doctor’s Farmacy, and Instagram account @Drmarkhyman. 


I selected these favorites to share:

Functional Medicine is Healing

Dr. Hyman interviews Dr. Cynthia Li, DO in this session Heal Autoimmune Disease. They shared functional medicine cured their own unusual chronic diseases. Both had Lyme disease and were sick from traveling in China. Both were sick from mold at home and had gastrointestinal issues. In addition, Dr. Hyman had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dr. Li had Fibromyalgia, Hastimoto (sharing it was gluten driven), brain fog, and depression from dealing with the symptoms. Her daughter had many cavities due to gluten sensitivity. (Me too.)


Dr. Li says tune into your intuition and read your sensations as they are messages. Dr. Hyman says “The smartest doctor in the room is your body, if you just listen.” See more about Dr. Li and her book Brave New Medicine.

Discover Food Sensitivities with an Elimination Diet

In the interview Dr. Hyman introduces Lisa Dreher, MS, RDN, LDN. She is a nutrition expert from his clinic. They discuss the differences between food allergies and intolerances. Food sensitivities can be difficult to identify and cause many symptoms. For example, they think recurring sinus congestion and infections are signs of dairy intolerance. (True for me.) They think joint pain may be a sign of gluten intolerance.


The benefits of an elimination diet and reintroducing foods properly is discussed. They share stories about their clients discovering their food intolerances with this method.

Fixing the Gut is Key to Healing

Dr. Hyman interviews Dr. Todd LePine, MD from the Ultra Wellness Center. They discuss Why Fixing the Gut is Key to Healing Chronic Disease. Dr. Hyman says “60% of your immune system is in the gut” and cured his own colitis by feeding his gut good bacteria. They share how functional medicine considers many issues that affect health: diet, infections, viruses, oral health, and toxins such as mold, chemicals, and metals.

Topics include non-alcoholic fatty liver, C Diff, autism, autoimmune diseases, infertility, irritable bowel, psoriasis, arthritis, acne, rosacea, constipation, fatigue, and brain diseases.


They point out that each of us is unique and the body has an amazing ability to heal itself. They share that vegan diets don’t work for everyone and vegans must get proper nutrition. 

Gut and Brain Connection

Science continues to develop in this arena. If you experience migraines this podcast from The Doctor’s Farmacy may be helpful Functional Medicine Approach to Ending Migraine with Dr. Todd LePine. Next consider the effects of inflammation on the brain.

Dr. Hyman interviews Dr. Jay Lombard, MD. They are discussing a theory that antibiotics upset the microbiome, allowing C Diff to develop which moves into the brain, leading to autoimmune brain diseases, i.e., ALS, Alzheimer, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson. Dr. Lombard presents his theory for a new treatment, hyperthermia.

Dr. Hyman speaks with Dr. Todd LePine about inflammation in the brain. Many conditions are related to neuroinflammation. Such as, Alzheimer’s, ALS, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, depression, strep infections, and more. These conditions are driven by inflammation in the body and brain, stealth infections may be the issue. Parkinson’s relationship with gut health is covered, saying the  microbiome of the brain is key.

Another worthy video, 5 Steps to DESTROY Negative Thoughts for Better Health! Great tips that will lead to a healthier mind and gut.

Dr. Tyna Moore - Expert Advice about Ozempic

It is so awesome when two of my favorite expert healers get together. Dr. Hyman discusses controversial Ozempic use with Dr. Tyna Moore and Calley Means-cofounder of True Medicine.

Dr. Tyna is a licensed naturopathic doctor and chiropractor. I love her social media, podcasts, and YouTube channel. Her information encouraged me to start strength training and cut sugar. Excellent lifestyle advice. 

My Notes

Wow, I hope you are as inspired as I am. I like his flexible Pegan diet, much like mine. We both eliminate gluten, dairy, and sugar. In addition, Dr. Hyman recommends an elimination diet to determine foods you can’t digest. I think identifying food intolerances with the Carroll Food Intolerance Method is the easier than elimination diets. This test provided the information I needed to make to correct my diet. After this, I was inspired to adopt many more lifestyle upgrades. I am fortunate and did this a decade ago before learning about peptides.

Check out my Home page. I advocate for a simple, accurate food intolerance test. Easily identify foods you can’t digest with the Carroll Food Intolerance Test.

Find real healing by identifying your food intolerances and adopt the Pegan lifestyle.




