Paddison Program - Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Paddison Program offers healing for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). I dearly love Clint Paddison for sharing his story. My favorite thing is he provides a platform for others from his program to share their healing stories. He is a healing RA expert, and his RA is in remission. Clint developed the plant-based diet and exercise plan. The Paddison Program is a lifestyle for healing autoimmune dieases. He is one of my favorite healers. Learn Clint’s story with a visit to his home page and learn more by seeing the TED talk. He also explains how autoimmune diseases develop.

Paddison Program Heals Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Paddison Program is a severe elimination diet, a vegan low-fat diet with no meat, dairy, eggs, oils, or artificial sugars. Clint recommends eliminating all oils, even extra virgin olive oil. The program includes exercise that is as challenging as the diet.


Clint says, “healing RA is like climbing a mountain“. According to his many clients, it works. Clint also advises clients to work with their Rheumatologist and take medications as prescribed. Clint advocates allowing results from blood work to dictate medications needed. Earn your way off prescriptions through his program.

Research Proves Diet Affects Rheumatoid Arthritis

In this short podcast, Clint discusses The Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet Recommended in the Scientific Literature. This article is a review of the majority of published medical references for RA and diet over the last 25 years. This summary of all the recommendations basically agree with the Paddison Program, healing diets lead with plants, no animal products, no oils, no sugar, and no processed foods. An ideal meal has with raw or moderately cooked vegetables, plenty of fresh greens, legumes, spices and whole seasonal fruits. The reference article is Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dietary Intervention published by Frontiers in Nutrition. They publish articles about nutrition solutions for the medical community. 

Free Information for Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are hundreds of hours of podcasts, even Clint says you can watch 50 hours and learn to use his program for free. There is no sales pitch at the end, no supplements to buy. Clint does offer very affordable fee-based support. RA is difficult, and the diet and lifestyle challenging.


Be inspired by all the free information Clint provides in his website’s Podcast section, YouTube channel, and The Rheumatoid Solutions PodcastA bonus, he’s Australian, makes for easy listening. His interviews are translated, great for referencing and speed, since many are lengthy.

Paddison Program Heals Autoimmune Diseases

Many with autoimmune diseases experience healing. Here their stories:


Clint’s videos also introduce other experts who heal chronic conditions with food such as Mastering Diabetes and High Carb Health – Healing for the Colon (see blog)

Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis Basics

Take five and learn the basics of the Paddison Program Reverse RA. Clint sets expectations on healing and how long it may take to heal your gut.


The Paddison Program starts with a veggie juice diet, no fruit sugar. Start with green juice for a couple of days or until you experience pain relief. This pain reduction keeps clients hooked. Day 3-12 add simple foods and watch for reactions. Simple foods are buckwheat, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, onions, garlic, and miso paste. Here is a recipe for Green Goodness, celery, cucumber, and ginger drink. 

Clint shares about juices vs. green smoothies and how both can be very healing.


Clint discusses expanding the rheumatoid diet after his gut was healed.


A Kitchen Fairytale - Healing Cookbook for RA

Iida is one of Clint’s success stories and fully reversed her arthritis after adopting the Paddison Program. In this interview Iida shared her story about how she recovered from inflammatory arthritis without medications following the Paddison Program. She cut dairy, gluten, and refined sugars first and added yoga. 


After several months she added higher fat-content foods such as nuts, olives, coconuts, and avocados. Previously, these same high-fat foods caused swelling in the joints.  


Once her gut healed, she added sourdough spelt and rye bread; both grains contain gluten. Her recipes reflect this progression.


A Kitchen Fairytale- Book Review

A Kitchen Fairytale by Iida van der Byl-Knoefel

Iida shares her healing recipes, see her web and cookbook A Kitchen Fairytale. I love my copy, full of easy-to-follow recipes focusing on a whole foods plant-based diet. She excludes all meat, fish, egg, dairy, artificial sugars, and oils. Her recipes labeled “Humble & Healing” are the kindest to the system and ones she uses to reset.


I enjoy her YouTube channel, especially the short video Cook without Oils.

My Notes

It’s so inspiring that diet and exercise can reverse RA and other autoimmune diseases. Naturopathic doctors agree, diets may have to be this strict and exercise this vigorous for healing.


I think Clint, and many, with RA have severe food intolerants. His plan heals many folks. However, I have two major concerns:


  •  Even vegan diets contain intolerant foods. Examples are fruit, grains, potatoes, soy, or tomatoes. 
  • Some vegan food combinations can also cause intolerances, i.e., potatoes and grains. 

Check out my Home page. I advocate for a simple, accurate food intolerance test. Easily identify the foods you can’t digest with the Carroll Food Intolerance Test.


Find real healing by eliminating your specific food intolerances and adopting the Paddison Program.



