Sugar Crush - Healing Nerve Damage

Sugar Crush offers healing for nerve damage. This book by Dr. Richard Jacoby* and Raquel Baldelomar, is not a sweet story. The purpose is to focus attention on the true damage of sugar consumption. I include Dr. Jacoby in my group of favorite healing experts. A lifestyle without any sugar can be very healing for many illnesses. In fact, anytime your are sick, experts advise to cut the sugar.


Years ago, I significantly cut my sugar consumption. The amount of sugar I eat is OK, my bloodwork is OK, but I had so much to learn.

Global Compression Theory


Dr. Jacoby’s “Global Compression Theory” reveals that sugar chemically causes inflammation. This damages the nerves. Inflammation in the nerves causes swelling and compression. Constantly bombarding the body with sugar causes chronic inflammation, damages the immune system, raises triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Early, subtle clues can be too many headaches, runny nose, and adult acne.



His formula is:


Carbohydrates (sugar) + Trauma = Nerve Damage, Pain, Dysfunction



He says sugar overload contributes to allergies, asthma, diabetes, strokes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, fatigue, depression, fatty liver disease, reflux disease, gallbladder disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, migraines, wrinkles, and dry skin.


Even though Dr. Jacoby is a surgeon, he doesn’t cut nerves. He opens pathways to relieve compression. Primarily, he recommends Plan A, a ketogenic diet, high in fat, zero sugar, and no fruits. However, he recognizes this doesn’t work for everyone and offers a second Plan B based on input from a nutritionist.

Dr. Jacoby explains his theory that sugar compresses the nerve, resulting in a variety of nerve issues.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is the Worst Sugar

The worst sugar is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in Dr. Jacoby’s opinion. Successfully entering the market in 1974, HFCS is inexpensive and extra sweet. The liquid form is easy to add to many foods. His one big concern is mercury, a neurotoxin, is a contaminant in HFCS. Mercury grade caustic soda (lye) is a key ingredient in production of HFCS. Unfortunately, our bodies struggle to process HFCS well, mostly converting it to fat. In comparison, glucose can be metabolized by every cell in the body.


Dr. Jacoby’s expertise is peripheral neuropathy. However, he thinks sugar overload, especially HFCS, causes a host of other nerve related issues, i.e., carpal tunnel, Alzheimer’s, Bell’s Palsy, Morton’s neuroma, multiple sclerosis, plantar fasciitis, cancer, and is linked with autism. Each of these is explained thoroughly in the book. Basically, he states chronic inflammation damages the immune system, is painful, raises triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Remove Alcohol Completely for Healing Nerve Damage

Dr. Jacoby says sugar’s evil twin is drinking alcohol. I agree, alcohol added to any of my food intolerances is a bad combination. It’s a “Gut Don’t”.

Peripheral Neuropathy Success Stories - Facebook Group

I belong to a Facebook group, Peripheral Neuropathy Success Stories, on Instagram too. The My friend, Michael Wright is the creator and administers the group. The group is dedicated to those with peripheral neuropathy (PN). The goal is to support each other with positivity. I enjoy their daily success stories. I love their Zoom meetings featuring expert speakers. In fact, this is where I first heard Dr. Jacoby speak. This group has 27K+ members and a great team of moderators.


I don’t have neuropathy. However, I’m learning about the struggle that affects so many. I love seeing the power of this group. They are endorsed by The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy. This Facebook group is a foundation resource, responding to questionnaires and surveys. Michael Wright joined the Department of Defense’s (DoD) committee to evaluate research funding for PN. The DoD award funds for disease research. This is the first time PN is being considered for research funding.


I encourage anyone suffering with PN and looking for a support group to join.

My Sugar Notes

As information, here are the American Heart Association daily recommendations for sugar intake. This is the maximum amount per day, notice the low calorie count:


Women – 25 grams ~ 6 teaspoons and 100 calories

Men – 36 grams ~ 9 teaspoons and 150 calories


I think this is too much sugar for many people. Before reading this book, my daily sugar intake was ten plus teaspoons a day. I cut back immediately. However, sugar called my name, especially at night. A little dark chocolate, another bite of dairy free ice cream, not that much really. It quickly adds up.


Too much sugar affects my nerves. For example, one evening I recall enjoying three gluten and dairy free cookies, the serving size. Another late evening, I simply ate too much pineapple. Both nights I couldn’t sleep, even though I was exhausted from a day of physical activities. A slight itch continue to appear one spot after another.


Thinking back, my nose was constantly runny nose requiring two allergy medications daily. I always had a pimple or two, and a root canal. One entire summer, I limped with plantar fasciitis . Reflecting back, sugar is the culprit. All of these incidents occurred at times in my life when I ate too much sugar, junk foods, and before I knew anything about food intolerances.


It is moments like these when my brain switches. I kicked those cookies out of my life. Never to be eaten again, just like those little cakes I kicked out of my life as a tween. Best of all, I am not eating after dinner. Late night snacking is not gut healing.


Finally, I cut all refined sugar. My skin and nails love this upgrade. I’m adding nightly teas to replace my nighttime sugar raids as a recommended by my naturopath. I’m discovering this is a very satisfying upgrade, even without the honey.


Now sugar doesn’t call my name. Our guts want what we feed it. Even I’m amazed. I’m enjoying my new lifestyle without sugar, even 85% dark chocolate.

*Dr. Richard Jacoby, DPM is a leading peripheral nerve surgeon, specializing in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. Dr. Jacoby is the former president of the Arizona Podiatry Association and cofounder of Scottsdale Healthcare Wound Management Center.

Check out my Home page. I advocate for a simple and accurate food intolerance test. Easily identify foods you can’t digest with the Carroll Food Intolerance Test


Find real healing by eliminating your specific food intolerances and crushing sugar.


