Healing Lifestyles - Expert Advice

I’m excited to introduce my blog Healing Lifestyles – Expert Advice. My favorite healers developed strategic lifestyles that reverse symptoms and disease. They focus on food, exercise, and meditation. My health improved greatly after I corrected my lifestyle. I wondered if many chronic illnesses could be reversed by lifestyle changes. These expert healers say the answer is “Yes!”


Most importantly, these experts share healing stories. See their personal examples and testimonials. In fact, these experts provide a vast amount of information. Therefore, I dedicate a blog to each expert’s healing lifestyle. A portal to showcase their best information.


I include experts with a variety of healing programs, from very flexible to very strict diets. Some healing lifestyles are vegan and some include meat. One is about yoga and how it heals injuries. The lifestyles eliminate the experts’ intolerant foods, different for each plan. Most interesting, the lifestyle also works the followers with the same, or similar, conditions. No one plan works for everyone.

My Favorite Healing Lifestyle Experts

My favorite experts work along the some same lines as naturopathic healing principles by correcting diet, improving blood flow, and mindset. All of these healing diets are elimination diets. Generally, these diets eliminate most, if not all, of the foods one may be intolerant too. This explains why many find healing on these diets. This also explains why the same diet does not work for everyone.


These healing lifestyles all include whole, organic plant-based foods and proper hydration. Several plans include grass-fed beef, wild fish and seafoods.


To expedite healing, experts advise to cut sugar completely. This includes sweet drinks, even fruit juice. Eliminate artificial sugars, including stevia. Stop drinking alcohol, it is not gut healing. Equally important, eliminate fried and greasy foods. Most experts advise to cut dairy. Check the facts, many are dairy intolerant, see my Dairy Intolerance page for a breakdown of dairy intolerance by ethnicity.



Elimination Diets are Difficult

Many experts recommend elimination diets to determine food issues/sensitivities. They know allergy tests results are not reliable, not dependable, and delay healing. However, elimination diets are difficult for many reasons.

First, it is hard to eliminate so many foods. Second, proper reintroducing foods, one at a time, takes a long time. Third, one must be very strict, even small cheats alter results. Even strict vegan diets contain foods that cause intolerances, i.e., potatoes, fruits, and grains. Elimination diets are a guessing game. One can go for months and still not identify their intolerant foods.


Identifying food combination intolerances is especially difficult. Even these healing lifestyle plans include combinations of foods that can cause intolerances, i.e., potatoes and grains. Some food combinations take eight hours before one can digest the other item.

This helps explains why recommended diets do not work for everyone, they still contain intolerant foods. F

Carroll Method Easier than Elimination Diets

In my early fifties, I suspected both dairy and gluten as problem foods. I eliminated them my diet. However, something else bothered me. An example, after eating trail mix, suddenly all my energy was gone. I couldn’t figure it out. The Carroll food test results correctly identified my food combination intolerance, fruit and sugar eaten together within four hours.


Admittedly, I’m not a good dieter. Actually, I have never dieted. I would struggle with a strict elimination diet. However, I have no trouble omitting my intolerant foods.

Healing Lifestyles - Expert Advice from NDs

The best start for a healing lifestyle is the Carroll Food Intolerance MethodEach of our guts is unique. Therefore, identifying food intolerances is the best place to start. These experts agree, eliminate intolerant foods completely. Even a teaspoon drives inflammation. A Carroll Method ND provides strategic lifestyle advice for healing.


My ND’s general advice for health is great for most everyone.


Dietary Advice

  • Follow Food Intolerance Diet recommendations as guided by results from The Carroll Food Intolerance Method.
  • Get at least one serving of dark leafy greens into your diet every day.
  • Minimize intake of refined sugars and processed carbohydrates.
  • Be sure to get sufficient protein in the morning.

Other Advice

  • Hydrate! Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
  • Breathe! Spend at least one minute per day focusing on deep breathing and relaxation. 
  • Keep a Diet Diary prior to your next visit.

Healing Lifestyle - ND Recommendations

Select foods high in fiber, and avoid foods high in salt or sugar. Reduce processed and refined carbohydrates such as white flour. Focus on whole organic foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meats, wild fish, and whole grains. Avoid fried foods and trans fats.


Read labels, and avoid foods with artificial or synthetic ingredients, including vitamins, as well as preservatives and other chemical additives, including artificial sweeteners. These substances are difficult for your body to digest and metabolize.


Eat most food earlier in the day and smaller meals in the evening. Concentrate on protein foods in the morning (meats, fish, eggs). Add salads and carbohydrate foods later in the day. Then enjoy light foods, such as soup or fruit, in the evening. Do not eat heavy proteins or fats late in the day. These foods require more liver activity. When eaten late, the liver too cannot clear the toxins from the blood efficiently during the night.


Relax and enjoy meals. Do not use meals to discuss problems. Play calming music or soothing sounds. Chew your food well. Great advice to improve the digestive process and overall nutrition.

Be inspired by these healing experts and consider lifestyle upgrades. There is so much to explore, I hope you enjoy the trip and come back for more.


Check out my Home page. I advocate for a simple, accurate food intolerance test. Easily identify foods you can’t digest with the Carroll Food Intolerance Test.


Find real gut healing by identifying your food intolerances.




